
Al Mukawama Confident and Reassured: Concept of State the Priority

by Nasser Kandil

By placing the building of the Lebanese State as a priority through endorsement of a transparent and unbiased investigation, a fair trial, and appropriate assignation of blame to those responsible for the Beirut Port explosion; and by rising above the engagement in sparring in favor of giving the nation the opportunity to dress its wounds, Hizbullah’s Secretary General, Al Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah, implicitly answered three foundational questions in his presentation of the building of the State as a political and momentous challenge facing Lebanon and the Lebanese.

The first of these questions was the weight given to the probability that the explosion occurred as a result of an Israeli act of aggression.  The second was the chances for success of the bets inside and outside of Lebanon on an international investigation to open the door for reinforcing the siege on Al Mukawama. The third question was about the international response in light of the explosion, at its head French President Emanuel Macron’s visit to Beirut, and what he carried with him at his own behest and on behalf of the Americans.

Al Sayyed Nasrullah provided an implicit answer to the first question.  He placed the probability of an Israeli attack within the framework of the incitement against Al Mukawama, without giving such probability any attention or dealing with it as a pivotal point worthy of discussion.  He focused on the aims of those accusing Al Mukawama of having weapon depots or missiles inside Beirut Port, and categorically denied such allegations.  His concern and concentration appeared to be focused on preventing Lebanese public opinion from falling victim to deception and lies, rather than a serious consideration of an Israeli hand in the explosion.  Al Sayyed Nasrullah’s approach appeared to be based on his confidence that “Israel” was living in a state of terror which prevents it from any reckless act giving Al Mukawama  justification for strategic security threatening strikes against it.

Al Sayyed Nasrullah dealt with the organized and programmed cries for an international investigation with the same level of confidence in the strength of Al Mukawama. His response did not suggest concern about such cries, but called instead for rallying around the Lebanese Army, which has the trust of the Lebanese, to carry out the investigation. The significant gain in strength Al Mukawama has achieved since 2005, and regional and international conditions favoring her and her allies, far exceed in strength any dreams of a repetition of an international investigation scenario.  They neutralize any serious chances for success of the projects of those who lie in wait, placing them in constant chase of a mirage, only to reap the disappointment they had reaped in the past, but on this occasion, in advance.

Remarkable in Al Sayyed Nasrullah’s speech was his positive attribution to the French President’s visit, and to all international responsiveness towards Lebanon not limited to that  visit. A few nights ago, the US President informed President Michel Aoun of his intention to  participate in the video conference on the re-building of Lebanon called for by the French President.  Gulf countries which had cut communication with the Lebanese Presidency and its Government lifted their censorship, opened the door for aid, and sent planes laden with emergency relief. It was apparent that Al Sayyed viewed all that in the light of an opportunity for Lebanon with no concern about demands for a political price in return for such aid.

Al Sayyed’s stance did not come from giving good intentions a chance, but from Almukawama’s, and particularly, Al Sayyed’s keen ability to differentiate between any political moment when responsiveness to Lebanon is part of a plan for besiegement, pressure, and extortion, and the political moment when such responsiveness is an acknowledgement of Al Mukawama’s weight and role and a pursuit of connectedness with her. Such keen detection ability is rooted in vast experience in regional and international matters, good knowledge of the magnitude of her strength and the degree of weakness in her enemies, and the exchange of messages between the Axis of Al Mukawama and the Axis led by Washington.

Al Sayyed Nasrullah’s recent speech placed new accents on the existing balances of power, and reassured Al Mukawama’s milieu by projecting the magnitude of strength and confidence their Mukawama feels in a period filled with questions about risks and dangers.

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