Nasser Kandil
Albinaa’ Newspaper July 25, 2024
There is no doubt that before and after Netanyahu’s address before Congress, American support for the occupying entity will not stop or change with any American president, as there is no doubt that what the Joe Biden administration has been offering is what an administration under Donald Trump’s presidency will practically be able to offer. Nothing remains from what Biden withheld except sending American troops to fight a large scale war with the forces and countries of
Al Mukawama Axis, which Trump had previously steered clear of, just as Biden is doing.
Netanyahu will not find in Washington a president will prohibit him from committing more crimes, or force him to stop the war, or a president who will stop financing and arming his government and army, or a president who will allow his prosecution and that of his army before international tribunals, or a president who will allow UN Security Council decisions condemning the occupation’s crimes, or impose submission to international law. However, he will not find in America anyone who will decide to send over the American military forces to combat in order to realize Netanyahu’s goals and those of his government and military. He will not find that in Biden’s America which fled from Afghanistan, or in Trump’s America which evaded response to the attack on Aramco in 2019, and sidestepped fromresponding to the downing over Iran of the giant surveillance drone, or in Obama’s, Biden’s, and Trump’s America which avoided any military campaign to win the duel with Syria.
For such reasons, Netanyahu can feel secure when he returns to his bedroom that he will get what he has already been getting, and that no one will pressure him to modify his goals. However, in Biden’s America and Trump’s he will have to possess what is necessary militarily and in public opinion to achieve the goals he talks about, and to wage the war that he seeks full victory in, because neither in Biden’s nor in Trump’s America will he find one who will send American troops to fight his wars and achieve his goals, since Americans, who disagree about many issues are agreed that they cannot endure the consequences of war. So does Netanyahu hold in his pocket a victory formula given the maximum American participation he is receiving now, and will continue to receive, regardless of the change in the name of the president?
Netanyahu knows that no recipe exists that will realize what he desires to accomplish, which is the reason his critics said that he is divorced from reality and in a state of denial. He is also aware that what his critics have said about his lies is an accurate description, and he is also aware that the day of the Deluge was a day of great humiliation for his entity, military, and government, and not a day of heroism. He knows that his army is not a fighter army but a killer army which burned alive and mutilated with shrapnel hundreds in refugee tents in Rafah, while it failed in all confrontations, while Al Mukawama fighter would approach an armored tank with its top shut over the heads of soldiers trembling in fear, and plant his explosive from a point zero distance and wait for it to explode. He knows the historical lies he told, and that the reality of Palestine, its people, and a full state talked about by the International Court of Justice a few days ago cannot be changed by a rant about 4000 years of an imaginary mythical state.
YairLabid called Netanyahu’s speech odious and absent of any mention of the only important thing worthy of devoting a speech to, which is how he will guarantee the release of the 120 prisoners held by Al Mukawama. Ehud Barak called Netanyahu a big liar, and that the democratic members of Congress who boycotted his speech, exceeding 120 in number,opposed his derogatory words about American students who demonstrated against crimes in Gaza. However, the reality is that the applause which Netanyahu received, and the enthusiastic words from the racist extreme right inside and outside congress which accompanied Netanyahu’s speech, are an important indicator that such interplay and reciprocity continues to be representative of the dominant trend among policy makers and the media in Washington, on condition that he wins the war without American military intervention, but can he?
New in what his visit said is that America is divided between an Israeli America and a Zionist America, with certainly no room for an Arab America or a Palestinian America. The Israeli America is represented by Trump. Those who applauded Netanyahu are those who delight in extremist and racist rhetoric, not unlike how the apartheid system in S. Africa was until it began to collapse domestically, before it collapsed in America and Britain. What Netanyahu is hearing is similar to the full encouragement heard by the racists in S. Africa then. And although the deciding field of confrontation does not lie in Washington, Zionist America emerged taking on the responsibility of thinking about Israel’s future, the puerility of its leaders and their frivolity, and the peril of their adventures and gambles, and not being able to tolerate witnessing the entity collapse as a result. What the membersof Congress who boycotted Netanyahu’s address are saying is that Netanyahu is a danger to his country and its security, and that they want the establishment of a Palestinian state as the necessary path to breaking Palestinian unity, weakening Al Mukawama, and depriving
Al Mukawama Axis including Iran from garnering the support of those angered by the absence of even a minimal acknowledgement of Palestinian rights by the international community.
In 2010 Hillary Clinton spoke before the Zionist lobby supporting the occupying entity (AIPAC) and said “…But Iran is not the only threat on the horizon. Israel is confronting some of the toughest challenges in her history….First, we cannot ignore the long-term population trends that result from the Israeli occupation. As defense Minister Barak and others have observed, the inexorable mathematics of democracy – of demography are hastening the hour at which Israelis may have to choose between preserving their democracy and staying true to the dream of a Jewish homeland. Given this reality, a two-state solution is the only viable path for Israel to remain both a democracy and a Jewish state.”
She added: “Second, we cannot be blind to the political implications of continued conflict. There is today truly a struggle, maybe for the first time, between those in the region who accept peace and co-existence with Israel, and those who reject it and seek only continued violence. The status quo strengthens the rejectionists who claim peace is impossible, and it weakens those who would accept coexistence. That does not serve Israel’s interests or our own. Those willing to negotiate need to be able to show results for their efforts.” She ended by saying: “And then finally, we must recognize that the ever-evolving technology of war is making it harder to guarantee Israel’s security. Over six decades, Israelis have guarded their borders vigilantly. But advances in rocket technology mean that Israeli families are now at risk far from their borders. Despite efforts at containment, rockets with better guidance systems, longer range, and more destructive power are spreading across the region. Hezbollah has amassed tens of thousands of rockets on Israel’s northern border. Hamas has a substantial number in Gaza. And even though some of these are still crude, they all pose a serious danger, as we saw again last week.”
Hillary’s speech from a document titled “ Dark Future Awaits Israel” was prepared by the US State Department 15 years ago and is still valid from the angle of realistic dangers which Netanyahu stands in the midst of and denies, to which the threat from Yemen has been added.
Al Aqsa Deluge has only been a translation of Netanyahu’s denial of thoserealties, and may be the reason for Al Sayyed Nasrallah’s statement that the say remains to the battlefield, and that the matter requires additional time, patience and perseverance.