
Is This What We Call a Golden Opportunity?

Political Commentary

 October 18, 2024

By Nasser Kandil

• Setting aside the misplaced national pride some Lebanese lack, or the Arab solidarity some Arabs have abandoned as they celebrate the killing of resistance leaders and Palestinians, we must ask: what do they mean by a “golden opportunity” to rid the region of what they describe as a destabilising force, one they attribute to the resistance forces and Iran?

• If we entertain the desires of these individuals – driven by hatred, ignorance, servitude, and pettiness – to envision the region without resistance forces and a weakened Iran, the question remains: what kind of future are we heading towards?

• The future isn’t one of French or British colonisers at the dawn of the last century, nor of American occupiers in Iraq at the beginning of this one, as brutal and savage as those eras were. Instead, the rising power in the region, in the wake of crushing these resistance movements and reducing Iran’s influence, is unmistakably the entity that leaves no ambiguity about its ambitions, visions, and promises.

• This entity reveals its true nature without pretence. To them, Arabs are nothing more than human animals, and their lands are a rightful inheritance. The first phase of their expansion includes South Lebanon, South Syria, all of Jordan, North Egypt, and Southern Saudi Arabia. In the second phase, their ambitions extend to all of Syria, all of Iraq, all of Saudi Arabia, and most of Egypt, where the Nile flows. The indigenous population will remain as slaves, while the wealth, including oil, will be seized as their exclusive right. Anyone who doubts this should reflect on the scenes of children being burned alive in the tents of Gaza, the indiscriminate destruction in the southern suburbs, the south, the Bekaa, and all the way to Ayta al-Shaab. Was all this destruction truly a military necessity? Or was the demolition of homes in Gaza another step towards the displacement of its people in preparation for further colonisation?

• A Zionist Jew, and only a Zionist Jew – not any Muslim, Christian, Lebanese, or Arab – can claim this is a “golden opportunity”. For a Lebanese or Arab to make such a statement, witnessing what we witness and knowing what we know, driven solely by hatred, mental illness, or triviality, speaks of something far deeper: a slavery complex. Such a person takes pleasure in being, as Yoav Gallant described, nothing more than an animal in human form, and accepts being addressed by this degrading language!

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