
Israel Controls the French Judiciary

Political Commentary

 February 21, 2025


By Nasser Kandil

• The French court handling the case of Georges Abdallah’s arbitrary detention showed no shame in its latest decision, after decades of unjust imprisonment, it has once again postponed its ruling until June.

• Since Abdallah completed his sentence, his detention has been repeatedly renewed without justification. The pretext of a “security risk” is easily dismissed by the option of deporting him to his home country, Lebanon, a solution the court could adopt at any time to resolve the case.

• Georges Abdallah poses no operational threat to France, Israel, or the United States. Yet, his unwavering commitment to the path of resistance, despite years of imprisonment and oppression, has transformed him into a moral and ideological symbol – a role model for generations who see in him the embodiment of dedication to freedom and liberation.

• When a nation that prides itself on the rule of law and judicial independence, like France, becomes a puppet manipulated by Israeli dictates, backed by American approval, the case of Georges Abdallah itself becomes a political lesson. It exposes the true credibility of legal institutions in major powers that claim to uphold justice. Thus, in seeking to suppress his influence and prevent his transformation into an icon, his jailers inadvertently provide his supporters with an opportunity to learn from his struggle – revealing the reality of Western systems and the limits of law and justice within them.

• Perhaps Abdallah’s ideological and sectarian background, which lies outside the traditional environment of Lebanese resistance, is a source of Israeli and American concern. His presence within the resistance movement extends its reach beyond its usual base, reinforcing its national character and invalidating attempts to confine it to a sectarian or ideological framework.

• Regardless of the latest delay, Georges Abdallah’s case will remain alive. Those who believe in resistance, despite the many burdens and distractions of the present, will continue to find time and occasions to remind the world that his cause is a national and moral duty. The struggle will persist until he secures the freedom he rightfully deserves.

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