What if Washington followed Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel?

Written by Nasser Kandil,

Washington knows the lie of the claims of its Saudi Turkish and Israeli allies about their independence of it as they say in their public speech, it is aware that what they are doing is its calling to accept their choices of escalation in Syria, and the continuation of the language of war till changing the facts, overthrowing the country and its president and defeating its army and its allies, but by a direct American involvement, otherwise has tested their independence one after another it knows that these three countries along with France and Britain have weapons of modern air defense, but they do not dare to give them to the armed groups, but they ask Washington to do that for them, or  allow them to do that, it knows that Turkey and Saudi Arabia announce that they are ready for a military action in Syria but under American leadership and within an alliance led by Washington. The active choices are different than the nonsense, and what is less than the effective choices is no more than tempting Washington to change its position and to admit of what it decides at the end, where there is no place for an independent decision for any of them.

If Washington decides to follow its allies so it adopts their path as a measure not what they tell it, when the US President Barack Obama said that he is proud not to get involved in the war on Syria and not to respond to its allies’ calls who are reckless, arrogant,  convicted of hatred, and dictators was seeing what those allies do whose their issues provide him with a real image of what he can do if he responds to their consultations and their advices, if he hesitates in the settlements, it is not because of his hesitation in accepting their advices but because he is aware of the high cost of the settlement in exchange of a very high cost of the war , the hesitation prevents the decision.

–          سيرة السعودية في اليمن تقول أنها ذهبت للحرب  على معارضة تمردت على شرعية  نظام تدعمه السعودية ، بما يشبه نسبيا الموقفين الروسي والإيراني مع الشرعية التي يدعمانها في سوريا ، وبالمقارنة فقد توفرت للمعارضة في سورية ، ما لم يتوفر للمعارضة في اليمن ، والفوارق  كلها لصالح القول إذا كانت المعارضة اليمنية المحرومة من كل حدود برية مساندة ، بينما  تتاح كل الحدود التركية والأردنية للمعارضىة السورية ، ويصلها الدعم العسكري والبشري الممنوع على اليمنيين ، ويواجه كليهما سلاح جو قادر، فلماذا تضطرون للإعتراف بالحل السياسي كضرورة في اليمن مع معارضة محاصرة وبلا صواريخ تسقط طائراتكم وتفشلون بهزيمتها رغم ذلك ، وتريدوننا أن نصدق أن غياب هذه الصواريخ عن المعارضة السورية سبب لها الهزائم ، بينما لم يسبب غياب مثلها عن معارضة اليمن هزيمة مماثلة ، رغم بقاء الحدود مفتوحة لمعارضة سوريا ، وصولا لطغيان تكوني تنظيم القاعدة على تشكيلاتها ، وبقاء الحدود مغلقة على المعارضة اليمنية ، وهذه لا تحتاج حدودا ولا صواريخا كي تلزمكم بالتفاوض ، بينما  تلك تخشون عليها ان تسحق إذا أغلقت الحدود وحجبت عنها الصواريخ ، أما غذا كان الأمر إقرارا بلغة التسويات كحاجة ، فالسؤال كيف  تنتظرون أن نطلب للمعارضة في سوريا اكثر مما تقبلون ان تنال المعارضة في اليمن ، فعلى الأقل تقبل روسيا وإيران ومعهما حليفهما الرئيس السورية بحكومة شراكة في ظل الرئيس الشرعي دون طلب سحب سلاح وإخلاء مدن ، ووالذهاب إلى دستور جديد تجري  وفقا له إنتخابات برلمانية ورئاسية ، فهل ما تدعو السعودية واشنطن إليه هو خوض غمار حرب في سوريا كحربها في اليمن لتصل إلى نهاية تشبه نهاية حربها ، والمعروض اليوم في سوريا للتسوية دون التورط  في حرب ، هو في النهاية  ما وصلت إليه السعودية بعد حربها في اليمن .

– Saudi Arabia biography in Yemen says it went to war on the opposition rebelled against the legitimacy of the system is supported by Saudi Arabia, including a relatively resembles the Russian and Iranian positions with the legitimacy that Ademanha in Syria, and the comparison was made available to the opposition in Syria, which is not available to the opposition in Yemen, and the differences are all in favor say if the Yemeni opposition deprived of all land borders support, while both the Turkish and Jordanian borders have Syrian opponents, and arrive military and human support is forbidden on the Yemeni, faces both an air force capable of, why Tdtron to recognize a political solution as a necessity in Yemen with the opposition under siege and no rockets falling Tairatkm and Tvchlon defeat despite this, and want us to believe that the absence of these missiles for the Syrian opposition caused her defeats, while not causing the absence of ideals opposition Yemen similar defeat, even though the border remains open to oppose Syria, right down to the tyranny of Being al Qaeda on its formations, and stay closed the border on the Yemeni opposition, these do not need limits and rockets to Telzmkm negotiate, while those afraid it has to be crushed if the border was closed and blocked by the rockets, but tomorrow it is recognition of the language of compromise as a necessity, the question how can you expect to ask for the opposition in Syria more than they don`t have to undermine the opposition in Yemen, for at least Russia and Iran accepts and with them their ally Syrian President government partnership in light of the legitimate president, without a request to withdraw a weapon and the evacuation of cities, and Walzhab a new constitution conducted in accordance with a parliamentary and presidential elections, is what calls for Saudi Arabia and Washington, it is a fight in the war in Syria Khrabha in Yemen to reach the end similar to the end of the war, and presented today in Syria for a settlement without getting involved in a war, it is in the end what we have reached Saudi Arabia after the war in Yemen.

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